EAB 2017
Our second External Advisory Board (EAB) Meeting was on 09/21/2017. CoMET faculty members and trainees met with the External Advisory Board (EAB) members. The EAB members participating at this meeting were:
- Dr. Mark Asta, University of California Berkeley
- Dr. Jayanth Banavar, University of Maryland
- Dr. Bill Goddard, California Institute of Technology
- Dr. Graeme Henkelman, University of Texas at Austin
- Dr. Gerhard Klimeck, Purdue University
- Dr. David Pérez II, External Evaluator, Miami University – Ohio
- Dr. John Kitchin, Carnegie Mellon University.
In addition to EAB members, three experts in DFT-based computational materials science attended:
- Dr. Douglas Irving, North Carolina State University
- Dr. Karl Johnson, University of Pittsburg
Dr. Alejandro Strachan, Purdue University.
As the previous year, after this meeting CoMET trainees had an opportunity to give the elevator pitches to invite all listeners to a poster session. The poster session was a great place for research discuss and networking with the Board members.
EAB 2016
- Dr. Bruce Garrett, Advisory Board, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Dr. Bill Goddard, Advisory Board, California Institute of Technology
- Dr. Matthias Scheffler, Advisory Board, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
- Dr. David Pérez II, External Evaluator, Miami University – Ohio
Following the EAB meeting, CoMET trainees gave brief elevator pitches to the Board members to invite them to the poster session. At the poster session, CoMET trainees had the opportunity to share their research with the Board members, engage in dialogue about the work they have been doing, discuss their future research plans, and network with the Board members.