The Computational Materials provides a fundamental graduate education in materials simulation techniques. The minor is available to all doctoral students, regardless of which PhD major they are pursuing, who are conducting research that utilizes computational materials approaches, or who could otherwise benefit from an understanding of the methods used to probe material properties computationally.
The minor requires 5 courses, 3 core methods courses and 2 additional electives that broaden their exposure to material phenomena. The objectives of the coursework are to 1) provide foundational courses in materials modeling, offered at various length scales, 2) integrate both broad foundational courses for students interested in a wide range of modeling techniques and/or specialized courses allowing students to develop depth in a specific modeling technique/scale, and 3) provide a flexible set of electives that will assure students are exposed to materials-related phenomena in their area of expertise. The minor provides students the recognition of having built a background in Computational Materials, as well as the access and oversight of faculty in the minor to help them integrate these concepts with their doctoral research. All Ph.D. students in the minor will be required to have a faculty member from the minor on their thesis committee.
Doctoral students may apply to the minor any time after completing Candidacy Exam in their PhD major and before their final PhD defense. The application form can be found here.
Please include on the form both courses taken and those planned to complete the 15 credit course requirement.